Greens List Barristers

Adam Coote Bar : 2010| Admitted : 2008

Adam practices in common law and commercial law.

Phone : +61 3 9225 7222

Mobile : 0431 165 636

Email :

Chambers : Owen Dixon Chambers West


Adam practices in common law and commercial law.

His common law practice is mainly in personal injuries (for example: WorkCover, transport accidents and public liability), but includes all torts. He acts for both plaintiffs and defendants. He accepts briefs to draft paperwork, including for serious injury applications.

Adam’s commercial law practice includes contractual disputes, professional negligence (for example: accountants, financial advisers and solicitors), insurance and the Australian Consumer Law.

Selected Cases

Streeter -v- Power and Bennett Lawyers (A Firm) [2024] (County Court of Victoria)(professional negligence of solicitors – breach of fiduciary obligations) (unled)

Abou-Jaber -v- Elston [2023] (County Court of Victoria) (loan agreement – constructive trust – conversion) (unled)

Environmental Services Group Pty Ltd -v- Industra Coat Pty Ltd & Ors [2023] (County Court of Victoria) (restraint of trade – breach of contract – breach of guarantee – rectification of contract - professional negligence of solicitors) (led by Travis Mitchell)

Sirmersan Marble Industries Joint Stock Company -v- Attila’s Natural Stone & Tile Pty Ltd [2022] (County Court of Victoria) (breach of contract – international shipment of products - Free on Board shipping term) (unled)

Fischer’s Cleaning Pty Ltd -v- Project Ux Pty Ltd [2021] (County Court of Victoria) (breach of contract for professional services – misleading and deceptive conduct) (unled)

Waugh -v- Constable Connor & Co Pty Ltd & Anor [2021] (County Court of Victoria) (freezing order – ancillary order – oral examination of judgment debtor – breach of undertaking to Victorian Legal Services Board - installment order pursuant to s 6 of the Judgment Debt Recovery Act 1984 (Vic)) (unled)

Flexirent Capital Pty Ltd -v- SFM Trucking Pty Ltd & Ors [2020] (County Court of Victoria) (chattel mortgage – guarantee and indemnity – failure to mitigate loss – unconscionable conduct – provision of financial services and unconscionable conduct under s 12CB of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (Cth)) (unled)

Castrol Australia Pty Ltd -v- Freer [2019] (County Court of Victoria) (breach of contract – trade fund agreement – breach of guarantee and indemnity) (unled)

Samoiloff -v- Grandiflora Nurseries Pty Ltd [2018] (Supreme Court of Victoria) (s 109 appeal from the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria regarding a statutory compensation claim – ss 39 & 40 of the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 (Vic) – no evidence to support a finding of fact – procedural fairness – rule in Browne & Dunn) (led by Stephen O’Meara QC)

Mann -v- Condon [2016] (Federal Court of Australia) (statutory interpretation – ss 149A and 149N of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) – whether bankrupt discharged from bankruptcy) (unled)

Chalmers -v- Registrar of Titles [2015] (Supreme Court of Victoria) (breach of finance contract – breach of fiduciary duty – fraud – misleading and deceptive conduct – unconscionable conduct) (led by Caroline Kenny QC and Michael Seelig)

Tien -v- Pho [2014] (Supreme Court of Victoria) (s 148 appeal from VCAT regarding proper construction of s 233 of the Property Law Act 1958 (Vic)) (unled)

Jackson -v- The Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police [2014] (Supreme Court of Victoria – Court of Appeal) (appeal from the County Court regarding refusal to grant a stay of proceedings under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (Cth) pending a criminal trial) (led by Caroline Kenny QC)

Delta Downs Pty Ltd -v- CS Accounting and Taxation Pty Ltd & Ors [2014] (County Court of Victoria) (breach of retainer – breach of fiduciary duty – professional negligence by accountant and financial planner) (led by Stephen Marantelli) 

SBA Old Co Pty Ltd -v- Carrio and Anor [2023] (County Court of Victoria) (breach of lease) (unled)

Zhou -v- Languillar [2023] (County Court of Victoria) (misleading and deceptive conduct concerning the purchase of a business) (unled)

Tomolo -v- Taylor Preston Lawyers Pty Ltd & Ors [2022] (County Court of Victoria) (professional negligence of solicitors – failure to issue proceedings within limitation period – proportionate liability) (unled)

Blair -v- Cooper [2022] (County Court of Victoria) (injunction preventing interference with Sheriff regarding Warrant of Seizure of Sale) (unled)

Sen -v- Raymond Francis Barrett In His Capacity As Liquidator Of Senler Investments Pty Ltd (In Liquidation) [2021] (Federal Court of Australia) (application for a stay or termination of the winding up of a company) (unled)

Dover Financial Advisers Pty Ltd -v- HN Law Pty Ltd & Ors [2020] (Supreme Court of Victoria) (professional negligence of solicitors – misleading and deceptive conduct – proportionate liability) (led by Andrew Panna QC)

Ultra Lending Pty Ltd -v- 462 Victoria Parade Pty Ltd & Ors [2020] (County Court of Victoria) (breach of contract – mortgage – professional negligence of solicitor – misleading and deceptive conduct – proportionate liability) (unled)

Enwerd Pty Ltd -v- Corser & Corser [2018] (County Court of Victoria) (retail lease – guarantee and indemnity – penalty clause – unconscionable conduct) (unled)

Charalambous -v- Burgess [2017] (Supreme Court of Victoria) (application for freezing order – risk of dissipation of assets) (unled)

Philippiadis -v- TAC [2016] (Supreme Court of Victoria – Court of Appeal) (appeal from the County Court of Victoria against the dismissal of serious injury applications pursuant to s 93 of the Transport Accident Act 1986 (Vic) – clinical records as evidence – adequacy of reasons) (led by Andrew Clements QC)

Ozmen -v- ABI Transport [2014] (Supreme Court of Victoria) (s 109 appeal from the Magistrates’ Court regarding a statutory compensation claim and whether a medical panel opinion was binding) (plaintiff discontinued the proceeding) (unled)

Anderson & Parslow -v- Angelopoulas [2014] (Supreme Court of Victoria) (s 148 appeal from VCAT - apprehended bias – natural justice – costs order) (unled)

Hopkins -v- Hopkins [2014] (Supreme Court of Victoria) (s 148 appeal from VCAT - adequacy of reasons – offers of compromise - costs order) (unled)

Guss -v- Boroondara City Council [2012] (Supreme Court of Victoria) (s 109 appeal from the Magistrates’ Court) (unled)


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Victorian Bar


To get in touch with Adam Coote | or for more information please contact the Clerk on:

+61 3 9225

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.