Greens List Barristers

Georgina Rhodes Bar : 2021| Admitted : 2010

Georgina has a general public law practice and accepts briefs in a variety of areas including administrative law matters, disciplinary and professional standards, regulatory, crimes mental impairment, OH&S, coronial and criminal matters.

Phone : +61 3 9225 7222

Email :

Chambers : Castan Chambers


Georgina has a broad practice including public, administrative, regulatory, commercial and criminal law. She has a particular expertise in statutory interpretation and government regulation.

Georgina appears for both private and government clients in various matters including public and private inquiries, merits and judicial review, and disciplinary matters. She has a particular interest in criminal and commercial matters that intersect with public law. Georgina regularly provides written advice to government in relation to administrative decision-making, legislative review and complex litigation.

Commissions and Inquiries 

Georgina appeared as Counsel Assisting in the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government's Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings. Led by Elizabeth Bennett S.C., with Rachel Ellyard, Maree Norton and Alexandra Darcy. In this role she assisted in the preparation of public hearings, led evidence from witnesses and contributed to the drafting of the final report.

Georgina has appeared (unled) as Counsel Assisting for IBAC and provided advice to other integrity bodies such as the Victorian Inspectorate. 

Administrative and public law

Georgina appears and advises on various administrative and public law matters including:

  • Regulatory and disciplinary reviews.
  • Child Safety regulation.
  • Environmental regulation.
  • Information sharing and privacy law.
  • Disability, discrimination and mental impairment matters.
  • Immigration law.

Georgina has significant expertise in the area of statutory interpretation and administrative decision-making, providing advice to various government departments and statutory authorities in relation to the introduction, implementation and application of new or amending legislation.

She has advised extensively on the Occupational Health and Safety Amendment (Crystalline Silica) Regulations 2021 and on the application of the General Environmental Duty under the Environment Protection Act 2017.

Regulatory and criminal law

Georgina appears (unled) in regulatory, quasi-criminal and criminal matters for prosecuting agencies and private clients in relation to contraventions of:

  • Local Council laws
  • Environmental law
  • Occupational Health and Safety law
  • Children's and Youth law
  • General criminal law

She is on the preferred barrister's list for the Environment Protection Authority.

Commercial law

Georgina has appeared and advised in relation to various commercial law matters, including setting aside default judgement and contractual disputes. She has an interest in security of payments matters and statutory benefits matters.

Legal Experience and Education

Georgina has over 11 years’ experience as a government lawyer. She worked for various government departments and statutory authorities including:

  • WorkSafe Victoria.
  • Department of Health and Human Services.
  • Department of Justice and Community Safety.
  • Victoria Legal Aid.
  • Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania.

Georgina has the following qualifications:

  • Masters of Laws from the University of Melbourne.
  • Bachelor of Economics (with first class honours), majoring in Finance, from the University of Tasmania. Her research thesis was titled 'Is Insider Trading Profitable?'
  • Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws from the University of Tasmania.


Georgina is a general committee member of the Victorian Bar Student Engagement Committee and the Women Barristers Association.

She is a member of the Commercial Bar Association, Criminal Bar Association and Children's Court Bar Association.

Georgina read with Rachel Ellyard and her Senior Mentor is Elizabeth Ruddle K.C.


Memberships & Committees

Victorian Bar

To get in touch with Georgina Rhodes | or for more information please contact the Clerk on:

+61 3 9225

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.