Greens List Barristers

James McKay Bar : 2009| Admitted : 2007

James specialises in commercial and property litigation.  He appears regularly in the Supreme Court of Victoria, as well as the County Court of Victoria and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. 

Phone : +61 3 9225 7222

Mobile : 0400 950 002

Email :

Chambers : Chancery Chambers


James specialises in commercial and property litigation.  

He appears regularly in the Supreme Court of Victoria (commercial court, property list, and professional liability list), as well as the County Court of Victoria and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. James also appears in the Federal Court and Federal Circuit Court.

James practices in the following areas:

(a) Sale of land;

(b) Contracts;

(c) Misleading conduct and fraud;

(d) Leases and licences;

(e) Shareholder and partnership disputes;

(f) Companies;

(g) Equity and trusts;

(h) Professional negligence;

(i) Appeals and judicial review;

(j) Easements and covenants; 

(k) Economic torts;

(l) Administrative and regulatory; and

(m) Guarantees, mortgages, and securities.

James has appeared in numerous matters listed on the Australian Legal Information Institute (‘AUSTLII’) database.

Selected Cases

VS Property and Holding Pty Ltd v Zurzolo [2024] VSC 89

Vanta Pty Ltd v Mantovani [2023] VSCA 53

Hexin Pty Ltd v Fei [2023] VSC 476

 Owners Corporation Plan No RP 015268 v Yarra City Council (Appeal) [2023] VSC 778

Owners Corporation No. 1 PS 644619K v. Sofy Pty Ltd (No 2) [2023] VCC 577

Toorak Home Developments Pty Ltd v. VPJ Developments Pty Ltd [2023] VCC 195

Bai v. Lightspeed Finance Pty Ltd [2022] VSCA 242

Atanasovski v Qi Yong 7 Pty Ltd [2022] VSC 347

ASIC v Lightspeed Finance Pty Ltd [2022] FCA 469

The Friendly Backbacker Pty Ltd v Will Ang Drive Pty Ltd [2022] VCC 2188

Taylor v Harrison [2022] VCC 380

Nguyen v Owners Corporation RP 12053 [2022] VCAT 1386

Harris v Harris [2021] VSCA 138

Taylor v Harrison [2021] VCC 2097

Lenoxx Electronics (Australia) Pty Ltd v ADSone Group Pty Ltd [2021] VCC 656

Bebe Nanaki Ji CHC Pty Ltd v Sovereign Healthcare Pty Ltd [2021] VCAT 725

C & F Nominees Securities Ltd v Karbotli (No 3) [2020] VCC 1843

C & F Nominees Mortgage Securities Ltd v Karbotli [2020] VCC 987

Harris v Harris [2020] VSC 256

Cooltime Solutions Pty Ltd v. Viva Energy Australia Pty Ltd [2020] VCAT 83

Re 99A Furlong Road Pty Ltd [2019] VSC 528

Hermiz v Yousif [2019] VSC 160

Rose v Hoare [2019] VCAT 1343

Re Eball Games Pty Ltd (In liq); Course v. Hannan [2018] VSC 401

Deputy Commissioner of Taxation (Cth) v. Bourke [2018] VSC 113

Dorash v. Lindemann [2018] VCC 446

Primrose Meadows Pty Ltd v. River View Pty Ltd [2017] VSC 487

Re Smagala; Cicmilovic v Renwick [2017] VSC 498

Tajon Pty Ltd v Arvanitis [2017] VSC 130

Koay Eng Hooi v Lim [2017] VCC 949

Gurupatham v Lim [2017] VCC 948

Risi Pty Ltd v Pin Oak Holdings Pty Ltd [2017] VCAT 95

Pin Oak Holdings Pty Ltd v Risi Pty Ltd [2016] VSC 773

Hycenko v Hrycenko & Anor [2016] VSC 112

Guirguis v Casa Di Iorio Investments Pty Ltd v Guirguis [2016] VCAT 2209

Trakas v Aravopoulos [2016] VCAT 592

Architecture HQ Pty Ltd v Propertylinc Pty Ltd [2015] FCA 686

Braham v Stephan & Anor [2015] VSC 87

Weerasinghe & Anor v Jamaly [2015] VSC 45

Bakha Enterprises Pty Ltd v Smith [2015] VCC 350

Keriani Pty Ltd v Long [2015] VCAT 1212

Paul & Paul Pty Ltd v. Shacklock [2014] VSC 407

Birch v Robek Pty Ltd [2014] VCC 68

Newearth Constructions Pty Ltd v Scrohn Pty Ltd [2014] VCC 1735

Toorak Eagle Pty Ltd v Owners Corporation No 1 RP16950 [2014] VCAT 957

Di & Li Australia Pty Ltd v Jin Dun Pty Ltd [2014] VCAT 349

Ingram v McLennan & Associates Pty Ltd [2014] VCAT 133

Societe Commerciale Internationale SARL Pty Ltd v Owners Corp No 448 740J [2013] VCAT 1631

McMahon v Owners Corporation PS17539 [2013] VCAT 2042

Commonwealth Bank of Australia v Stellini & Ors [2012] VCC 41

Cameron & Ors v Surf Coast SC [2012] VCAT 897

Vellas Home Builders Pty Ltd v Ahmed [2011] VCAT 728

Mani v Burness [2010] FCA 1132

Gianchino v Gianchino [2023] VSCA 162

Vanta Pty Ltd v Mantovani (No 2) [2023] VSCA 74

Asia Digital Investments Pty Ltd v Mara Dextra Pty Ltd [2023] VSC 565

Owners Corporation Plan No RP 015268 v. Yarra City Council [2023] VSC 318

Toorak Home Developments Pty Ltd v. VPJ Developments Pty Ltd (No 2) [2023] VCC 543

The Friendly Backpacker Pty Ltd v Will Ang Drive Pty Ltd (No 2) [2023] VCC 114

Karabagias v Katopodis [2022] VSCA 191

Re Bundoora Park Estate Holding Pty Ltd [2022] VSC 273

Kempson v Haydon [2022] VSC 30

Owners Corporation No. 1 PS 644619K v. Sofy Pty Ltd [2022] VCC 1408

Rojtarowski v. Payet [2022] VCC 649

C & F Nominees Mortgage Securities Ltd v Karbotli [2021] 64 VR 218; VSCA 134

Bai v Lightspeed Finance Pty Ltd [2021] VSC 543

Karabagias v Katopodis [2021] VCC 1120

Bebe Nanaki Ji CHC Pty Ltd v Sovereign Healthcare Pty Ltd [2021] VCAT 330

Evalia Holdings Pty Ltd v Mascoma Metal Design Pty Ltd [2021] VCAT 539

C & F Nominees Mortgage Securities Ltd v Karbotli (No 2) [2020] VCC 1514

Re Docklands Chiropractic Pty Ltd [2020] VSC 364

NHP Co Pty Ltd v. Nguyen [2020] VCC 477

Beaumont Kew Hotel Pty Ltd v. APlus Capital Pty Ltd [2019] VCAT 2006

E.A. Negri Pty Ltd v Lend Lease Services Pty Ltd [2019] VSC 448

Liu v Resi Ventures Leakes Pty Ltd [2019] VSC 50

Adara v Deal Corporation [2018] VSC 831

Deputy Commissioner of Taxation (Cth) v. Bourke [2018] VSC 380Dai v. Liu [2018] VSC 189

TL Rentals Pty Ltd v. Youth on Call Pty Ltd [2018] VSC 105

Pin Oak Holdings Pty Ltd v Risi Pty Ltd [2017] VSCA 317

Aurumstone Pty Ltd v. Yarra Bank Developments Pty Ltd [2017] VSC 503

Casa Di Iorio Investments Pty Ltd v Guirguis [2017] VSC 266

McHutchison v Asli [2017] VSC 258

Matthews v. Knight [2017] VCC 1537

Owners Corporation PS407621Y v Grundl [2017] VCAT 1550

J Enterprises Pty Ltd v The Common Property Group Pty Ltd [2017] VCAT 852

Hycenko v Hrycenko & Hrycenko [2016] VSC 247

Ampron Australia Pty Ltd v Quan Yang Investments Pty Ltd [2016] VCC 1138

Wells v Hodges Property Pty Ltd [2016] VCAT 1524

Elali v Business Licensing Authority [2016] VCAT 18

Scrohn Pty Ltd v Newearth Constructions Pty Ltd [2015] VSC 254

Braham v Stephan & Anor (No. 2) [2015] VSC 87

Connolly Environmental Pty Ltd v Foscari Holdings Pty Ltd [2015] VCC 1430

Joveski v Melbourne Development Group (Aust) Pty Ltd [2015] VCAT 2020

Jin Dun Pty Ltd v Di & Li Australia Pty Ltd [2014] VSC 562

Longmuir v Konstantopoulos [2014] FCCA 162

Fari Isai v The Registrar of Titles & Ors [2014] VCC 325

Ferla (trading as PPF Partners) v Judd [2014] VCAT 1594

Wang v Orion Holdings Australia Pty Ltd [2014] VCAT 812

Ingram v McLennan & Associates Pty Ltd [2014] VCAT 412

Cheok v Papanastassis [2013] VSC 241

Hopkins v Hopkins & Anor [2013] VCAT 414

Owners Corporation PS 10693 v Realty Managers Pty Ltd [2013] VCAT 103

Societe Commerciale S.A.R.L. Pty Ltd v Owners Corp. No 448740J [2012] VCAT 632

Surf Coast Shire Council v Cameron [2011] VSC 604

Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria v Betta Housing Pty Ltd [2011] VSC 369

Transcrete Aust Pty Ltd v Mani & Anor [2010] FMCA 434


Memberships & Committees

Victorian Bar



  • James was a consultant author of the book “Victorian Conveyancing Law and Practice” from 2013 to 2017 together with Dr Clyde Croft, AM SC.

To get in touch with James McKay | or for more information please contact the Clerk on:

+61 3 9225

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.