Greens List Barristers

John Bolton Bar : 1975| Admitted : 1973

John is an experienced practitioner in the areas of Building, Construction, Commercial and Property law. He is also an Accredited Advanced Mediator with wide experience in all areas of mediation. 

Phone : +61 3 9225 7222

Mobile : 0417 360 560

Email :

Chambers : Greens List


John is an experienced practitioner in the areas of Building, Construction, Commercial and Property Law. He is an experienced Accredited Advanced Mediator with wide experience in all areas of mediation.  

John is an effective Mediator who has published The Mediation Handbook and given many presentations on the topic. His extensive legal and ‘real life’ business expertise plus proven leadership ability have combined to provide him with unique skills to mediate disputes with intelligent and insightful perseverance.

John uses his extensive experience to quickly identify and understand the relevant issues in dispute, appreciate and understand each party’s position and effectively facilitate a practical and efficient resolution.

  • Admitted to Practice Supreme Court of Victoria 1973
  • Admitted to Practice High Court of Australia 1973
  • Signed Victorian Bar Roll 1975    
  • Crown Counsel - Hong Kong 1981 - 1983
  • Admitted to Practice Supreme Court of NSW 1984
  • Vic. Bar Rep. VCAT Domestic Building List Users Group 2000 - 2006
  • Victorian Bar Dispute Resolution Committee 2003 - 2006
  • Accredited Mediator 1993
  • Accredited Advanced Mediator 2006
  • Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors 1996
  • President - Building Disputes Practitioners Society 2003 - 2006
  • Entitled and available to Mediate in all Australian States
  • Author of ‘The Mediation Handbook’



Memberships & Committees

Victorian Bar

To get in touch with John Bolton | or for more information please contact the Clerk on:

+61 3 9225

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.