Greens List Barristers

Michael Galvin KC Silk : 2014|Bar : 1999| Admitted : 1989

Michael has a broad range of experience in commercial litigation, specialising particularly in insolvency and corporations law.

Phone : +61 3 9225 8235

Mobile : 0419 872 362

Email :

Chambers : Lonsdale Chambers

Accredited Mediator

Michael is a Nationally Accredited Mediator.



Michael Galvin was appointed senior counsel in 2014. He practices in commercial law, having particular expertise in insolvency and bankruptcy. He appears regularly in complex commercial trials, including class actions, and appeals in the Supreme, Federal, Federal Circuit and Family Courts.


Michael is a nationally accredited meditator.


He is listed in Doyle’s Guide as a leading Insolvency and Restructuring Senior Counsel, Victoria 2023, and leading Commercial Litigation and Dispute Resolution Senior Counsel, Victoria 2023.


Michael is a member of Lonsdale Chambers.


Memberships & Committees

Victorian Bar

To get in touch with Michael Galvin KC | or for more information please contact the Clerk on:

+61 3 9225

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.