Greens List Barristers

Patrick Over Bar : 2003| Admitted : 1996

Patrick specialises in litigating personal injury cases, cases arising from legal practice such as disciplinary proceedings, professional negligence claims, and group proceedings.

Phone : +61 3 9225 6924

Mobile : 0422 638 990

Email :

Chambers : Greens List Barristers


Patrick specialises in litigating personal injury cases, cases arising from legal practice such as disciplinary proceedings, professional negligence claims , and group proceedings. He provides practical and strategic representation to both plaintiffs and defendants at all stages of litigation. He has a background in science and science communication.  

Doyles has listed Patrick as leading in the category of either preeminent or leading insurance and personal injury barristers since 2018. 

Below are examples of cases where Patrick has appeared and in which a court or tribunal has handed down a decision.

Appellate and judicial review

  • German v State Trustees Ltd [2023 VSC 7
  • LG & EG v Melbourne Health & Ors [2020] VSCA 64
  • Gullquist v Victorian Legal Services Commissioner [2018] VSCA 259    
  • Perakis v Secretary to the Department of transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure [2017] VSCA 265.
  • Leemark Fire Protection Pty Ltd v Malios [2014] VSC 654.  
  • Amaca Pty Ltd v King (2011) 35 VR 280; [2011] VSCA 447.
  • Stirling v Legal Services Commissioner [2013] VSCA 374.
  • CSR Ltd v Maddalena [2005] HCA Trans 560. 
  • Skase and Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs [2005] AATA 200 and [2005] AATA 308.
  • Malaysian Airline Systems Berhad v Krum [2005] VSCA 232. 
  • VRWT v Minister for Immigration Anor [2005] FMCA 1816.
  • Woods v The Legal Ombudsman [2004] VSCA 247.


Legal practice

Patrick regularly appears for and advises legal regulators, legal practitioners and clients of legal practitioners about issues arising from legal practice, including disciplinary proceedings, appeals from disciplinary proceedings, cost disputes, cost agreements, claims against the Fidelity Fund, and ethics.

  • LHD ats VLSC [2019] VCAT 1711
  • Victorian Legal Services Commissioner v ABC [2018] VSCA 259
  • Victorian Legal Services Commissioner v XYX [2018] VCAT 1480
  • Legal Services Commissioner v HHT [2018] VCAT 516 (4 April 2018)  
  • VLSC v QRt [2018] VCAT 397.
  • Gut v Victorian Legal Services Commissioner [2017] VSC.
  • Bucic v Arney Pty Ltd [2017] VSC 508.  
  • Victorian Legal Services Commissioner v SRE [2017] VCAT 6.
  • Victorian Legal Services Commissioner v XRE [2016] VCAT 2112.
  • Victorian Legal Services Commissioner v Ttt [2016] VCAT 1835.
  • Victorian Legal Services Commissioner v CCC [2016] VCAT 1280.
  • Legal Services Commissioner v DDD [2015] VCAT 254.
  • Legal Services Commissioner v abcn [2014] VCAT 744.
  • SAP v Legal Services Commissioner [2013] VSCA 374
  • Legal Services Commissioner v gGG [2013] VCAT 1579.
  • Legal Services Commissioner v PFM [2013] VCAT 827.
  • Legal Services Commissioner v rRR [2013] VCAT 373; [2013] VCAT 390.
  • Legal Services Commissioner v Xyz 2012] VCAT 1996.
  • Legal Services Commissioner v XYZ [2012] VCAT 347.
  • Legal Services Commissioner v xyz [2012] VCAT 605.
  • Legal Services Commissioner v Aaa [2011] VCAT 1390. 
  • Legal Services Commissioner v bbb [2011] VCAT 193.
  • Legal Services Commissioner v Sss [2010] VCAT 742. 
  • Legal Services Commissioner v ggg [2010] VCAT 108.
  • Law Institute of Victoria v Aaa [2007] VCAT; [2008] VCAT 1998.
  • Rrr v The Legal Ombudsman [2004] VSCA 247


Personal injury proceedings

Patrick regularly appears in the Supreme Court of Victoria and the County Court in personal injury proceedings, especially for people claiming injury from exposure to asbestos, from medical negligence and from civil aviation accidents. Many these cases have been jury trials and have not led to written decisions. In addition to trial work, he appears in interlocutory or related matters such as transfer applications and reinstating the registrations of companies. He has also appeared in the Coroners Court and at the Royal Commission in to Institutional Responses to Child Sex Abuse. 

  • Roberts v ISS Facility Services Pty Ltd [2022] VSC 738
  • Fotiadis v St Basil's Homesfor the Aged in Victoria [2021] VSC 838
  • Price v Minesco Pty Ltd [2021] CC 1703. 
  • Gardam v State of Victoria (2019: 15 day jury trial)
  • Jane Doe v XYZ [2019] VSC 176.
  • Wilson v Bolton [2017] VCC 1445.
  • Perakis v Secretary to the Department of transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure [2017] VSCA 265.
  • Ramadge v Northern Health & Ors [2017] VSC 281.
  • Perakis v Secretary to the Department of Transport [2016] VSC 320.
  • Inquest in to the death of Mohammed Hamza, Corners Court 2015.  
  • Mutch v BHP Billiton Ltd & ors [2015] VSC 253.
  • Thompson v Amaca Pty Ltd [2014] VSC 169.
  • Arentz v Amaca Pty Ltd [2013] VSC 94.
  • Amaca Pty Ltd v King (2011) 35 VR 280; [2011] VSCA 447.
  • King v Amaca Pty Ltd [2011] VSC 433
  • King v Amaca Pty Ltd [2011] VSC 422.
  • White v Southon Builders Pty Ltd & Coastal Carpentry (Q) Pty Ltd [2011] VCC 971
  • Lacone v. Amaca Pty Ltd [2007] VSC 38.
  • Whitehead v Carlton Football Club Limited [2005] VSC 257.  
  • Malaysian Airline Systems Berhad v Krum [2005] VSCA 232.
  • Krum v Malaysian Airline Systems Berhad [2004] VSC 185.


Memberships & Committees

Victorian Bar

To get in touch with Patrick Over | or for more information please contact the Clerk on:

+61 3 9225

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.