Greens List Barristers

Peter Pascoe Bar : 1988| Admitted : 1972

Since coming to the Bar in 1988 Peter has developed a specialist practice in the areas of Wills, Estates, Probate/TFM, Equity, Trusts and Superannuation.

Phone : +61 3 9225 8433

Mobile : 0438 608 843

Email :

Chambers : Greens List

Accredited Mediator

Peter is a Nationally Accredited Mediator.



Since coming to the Bar in 1988 Peter has developed a specialist practice in the areas of Wills, Estates, Probate/TFM, Equity, Trusts and Superannuation. Peter is also a nationally accredited Mediator.

Prior to 1988, Peter:

  • served as a private secretary to the Commonwealth Attorney-General;
  • was senior Lecturer in the Department of Law, Swinburne University; and 
  • practiced both in chartered accounting and as a solicitor.


Memberships & Committees

Victorian Bar



  • Peter is the Victorian Contributing Editor to the recently published 5th edition of De Groot & Nickel Family Provision in Australia.

To get in touch with Peter Pascoe | or for more information please contact the Clerk on:

+61 3 9225

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.