Greens List Barristers

Vivienne Jones Bar : 2019| Admitted : 2015

Vivienne accepts briefs to appear and advise in criminal, quasi-criminal, public law, common law and employment matters.

Phone : +61 3 9225 7222

Mobile : 0400 640 997

Email :

Chambers : Brian Bourke Chambers


Vivienne practises in employment law and criminal law.

In the employment space, Vivienne has appeared in entitlement disputes, unfair dismissal claims, general protections claims and sexual harassment matters in both the Fair Work Commission and the Federal Circuit Court. She appears regularly in workplace registration matters in VCAT.

Vivienne appears for both the prosecution and the accused in criminal matters. She appears in all criminal courts and is regularly briefed as Junior Counsel in complex criminal matters.

Prior to signing the bar roll, Vivienne was a Senior Solicitor at the Office of Public Prosecutions. She prosecuted all manner of indictable offences and specialised in sex offences. Her matters typically involved complex trials, committals and plea hearings. She has extensive experience supporting vulnerable people through the legal process, and excellent skills in conferencing.

Vivienne graduated first class honours in law from Monash University. She read with Sharn Coombes. Her Senior Mentor was Andrew Palmer QC. She is a member of Brian Bourke Chambers and the Women in Crime committee.


To get in touch with Vivienne Jones | or for more information please contact the Clerk on:

+61 3 9225

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.