Greens List Barristers

Zubin Menon Bar : 2013| Admitted : 2009

Zubin is an experienced advocate who practices in criminal and quasi-criminal areas of law.

Phone : +61 3 9225 7222

Email :

Chambers : Brian Bourke Chambers


Zubin practices primarily in criminal and quasi-criminal areas of law. He accepts briefs to advise and appear at all stages of criminal proceedings in the County Court and Supreme Court.

Zubin regularly appears in jury trials, committals and pleas. He accepts briefs to prosecute and defend. He has experience appearing in cases involving mental impairment, fitness to plead and subsequent supervision order hearings. He holds an Indictable Crime Certificate (ICC) and is a member of Victoria Legal Aid's Preferred Criminal Trial Barrister List. Zubin recently completed a 12 month role as a Public Defender at Victoria Legal Aid where he appeared exclusively on behalf of Legal Aid clients in serious criminal proceedings.

Zubin also accepts briefs in professional disciplinary proceedings and inquiries/inquests. He has worked with professionals and regulators in the legal and health professions. He also accepts briefs to advise and appear in related coronial inquests.

In 2019 Zubin completed a Master's degree in Criminology with a focus on corporate crime, corruption and regulatory offences. He also studied sentencing principles and outcomes in the criminal justice system particularly with respect to family violence and sexual offences.


Memberships & Committees

Victorian Bar

To get in touch with Zubin Menon | or for more information please contact the Clerk on:

+61 3 9225

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.